cancun Charters


"I just wanted to let you know how much our party of four enjoyed our fishing charter with Jorge and Julian on March 26th aboard the Alexandra. Even though it took about three hours before Alain hooked the first , and very large, Dorado (Mahi Mahi), we had non-stop action after that for the remainder of the day until we ran out of bait. It took Alain 45 minutes to land the first fish, but after that there were several times two or more of us would have fish on at the same time. Julian worked his tail off keeping lines in the water and landing fish, while Jorge' did an excellent job maneuvering the boat to avoid losing fish and keeping us in the feeding schools. Both were very courteous, helpful and as excited about the catch as we were. The pick up and drop off at our resort pier was a very nice touch and much appreciated. I think our grand total was 19 mahi-mahi and two barracuda. The guys at the resort said that was the largest catch by a single charter they had ever heard of. We gladly gave our catch to the two crew members and hope they were able to reap some profits from their labors that day. We would definitely charter with you again if we return to Cancun!" - Wiley from Shreveport, Louisiana

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