"I had an awesome fishing trip on April 9th. We caught many tuna and two sail fish. It was incredible and captain Juan Puga and first mate aboard the boat were outstanding! Thanks and if you want me to provide any testimonial, let me know!" - Mark from Rogers, Minnesota
"Our Captain and mate were first class! Tom has a handicap, he can only use one arm, and his walking is bad. They took great care, yet were considerate of him getting him aboard the boat. Tom laughed and said they almost carried him! My first fish was a tuna that fought for 45 minutes, but I won in the end! Only 5 minutes later, I had a sailfish on line. Every time the fish would jump, Luis would say "Ma'am, you have a trophy fish! I just thought he said that to everyone...then we got another sailfish about l0 minutes after I landed mine, and Luis was so nice to Tom...he held that pole for him for a half hour while Tom reeled it in! The captain maneuvered the boat to make it easier for Tom, and he landed a 78 inch sailfish. Mine turned out to be 90 inches long, and it was indeed a trophy fish! The thoughtfulness of the captain and crew made this a memorable trip for us both. Thank you!" - Dorothy from Racine, Wisconsin
"We had a wild and exciting time fly fishing the Isla Blanca waters. I had shots at tarpon, permit and bonefish in the same day! Definitely want to go back!" - Bob from Albany, Georgia
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