cancun Charters


"I just wanted to say thank you very much for setting us up with a very good crew and boat on our fishing trip last week. We didn't find the billfish but my wife did get her first wahoo which was 35 lbs and I caught a 12 Lb wahoo as well. We would like to send the captain and his mate a little thank you gift and some photos from our trip so if you could please email me with their addresses that would be great. I look forward to fishing with them again and look forward to hearing from you soon!" - Paul from New Smyrna Beach, Florida

"We went out on a fishing/snorkel combo trip this past Saturday and just wanted to say we had a great time! I wish I could remember the names of the crew on the charter, but unfortunately I can't. We would definitely do another charter again. Thanks!" - Cindy from Fort Myers, Florida

"Had a terrific experience I was impressed with the number and size of the Bones, Ricardo did an excellent job. Although the 20 knot winds made it technically challenging, had plenty of shots and good fun. Thanks hope to do this again!" - Chris from Portage, Michigan

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